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Understanding Uterus Prolapse

Uterus Prolapsed

Ayurvedic Treatment Of Uterus Prolapse

If you are searching for a Centre for Uterus Prolapse Treatment by Herbal medicine and treatment, then, your search ends at Kalptaru Herbal Therapy Centre. Our Uterus Prolapse treatment is based on the Ayurveda which provides you an optimum solution of this Uterus Prolapsed without undergoing the pain and trauma of the operation. With our experience, we know what is best for you, hence, we recommend befitting and an ideal medicine for you which suits your body needs and never causes any harm or adversely affects your body.

Most of the people think that the only way to treat uterus prolapse is the only by getting surgically operated, but let us help you understand that this is not entirely true. This is because we have non-surgical prolapsed uterus treatment method that saves you from any side effects and pain.

So, what are you waiting for? Treat this disease today as ayurvedic medicine for uterus prolapse is best. Pick your phone and call us now for Herbal prolapsed uterus treatment. We understand that the problem you face is how a patient can trust us. We are ready to provide you the assurance that you never get the chance of complaining about the same.

About The Diseases And Treatment:-


Downward Displacement of Uterus (Womb) outside the Vagina. Uterus is attached to the dorsal body valve via the Mesometrium broad Ligament. Pelvic muscles, fibrous tissues and Ligaments that hold the Uterus in place become weak, stretched and relaxed than Prolapse Uterus starts. Relaxation of Uterine Supports (specially the cardinal and Utero-Sacral ligaments) causing Uterus to loose and become bulky and bulging. Other Conditions are usually associated with Prolapsed Uterus. They weaken the muscles and ligaments that hold the Uterus in place.

CYSTOCELE : Prolapse of posterior wall of the urinary bladder into the anterior vaginal wall. A bulging or Prolapse of the Bladder which causes Weakening of the entire Pubo-Cervical Fascia encourages cystitis frequency and urgency of urination (Urine symptoms).

URETHROCELE : A sagging of Urethra is caused by relaxation of the lower portion of the Pubo-Cervical Fascia produces stress incontinence and urgency of Urination (Urine symptoms)

RECTOCELE : Prolapse uterus Rectum or herniation of anterior rectal wall into posterior vaginal wall caused by injury to the levator muscles at the time of child birth . An anteriorly-directed bulging of the Rectum due to weakness of the facial tissues overlying the Rectum produces Constipation which may be relieved by the Patient by finger pressure of the Vagina.

ENTEROCELE : A true hernia of the Peritoneum of the pouch of Douglas, extending caudal into the Recto-Vaginal septum may produce Pelvic heaviness but often causes no symptoms.

PERINEAL RELAXATION: is a lack of firm tissues at the introits caused by a weakening of all facial planes and muscles of the area, child- birth lacerations are the most common factor.

PERINEAL-LACERATION: Symptoms are heaviness and dragging

If you face any disease then one of the best options to adapt is Herbal treatment. Well, Herbal treatment of uterus prolapsed is the advanced solution no matter what disease you face mentioned above.


The normal position of the Uterus is considered to be ante flexion but in about one third of Women it will be Retroverted (better understood as turned backward on its Transverse axis) or retro flexed (Bent backward). The retro displaced Uterus does not commonly cause any symptoms, occasionally however Retro-Displacement causes low back ache, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia and / or dyspareunia. An Anteverted Uterus which is normal is tipped forward where as a Retroverted Uterus is tipped backward.


FIRST DEGREE: The Uterus is in the Upper half of the Vagina.

SECOND DEGREE: The Uterus has descended nearly to the opening of the Vagina

THIRD DEGREE: The Uterus protrudes out of the Vagina

FOURTH DEGREE: Full descend of Uterus outside the vagina. This condition is also called procidentia.


1) Patients gets the feeling of something descending inside the vagina as she laughs or coughs

2) Bearing it all down

3) Vaginal bleeding or Discharge is also normal

4) Pain in the Back

5) Problems with sexual intercourse

6) Heaviness in Pelvic region

7) Urinary Symptoms as incontinence and frequency and urgency of Urination

8) Chronic Constipation

Best Strategies To Reduce The Risk Of Uterine Prolapse

You must take the right ayurvedic medicine for uterus prolapse and should be aware of the following strategies-

Follow the below five points- 

1. Say No to heavy lifting
2. Follow a healthy diet and exercise
3. Go for Pelvic floor exercises
4. Always use the right body mechanics
5. Avoid constipation and straining during defecation

To know more other sublime strategies, you must connect with us, and we can even help you in providing herbal treatment of uterus prolapsed.

Kalptaru Herbal Therapy Centre has Poly herbal formula for the Uterus prolapse treatment by Ayurvedic Medicine. For more details of Ayurvedic treatment of uterus prolapse mail at therapycentrekalptaruherbal@gmail.com

Causes of Uterus Prolapsed

  1. Application of Forceps during labour.
  2. Stretched and Weakened Pelvic Support (Muscles Fibrous Tissues and Broad, Round and Anterior Posterior Mackenrodt or Cardinal Ligaments).
  3. Perineal injury.
  4. Repeated Labour.
  5. Weakness of Abdominal and Perineal Muscles.
  6. Causes giving rise Intra-abdominal Pressure (Various Tumors , Chronic Constipation and Chronic Bronchitis.
  7. Improper Involution.
  8. More common after Menopause(Loss of Estrogen Hormone).
  9. Being Overweight and obese.
  10. Condition that put pressure on the Pelvic Muscles as Chronic Cough, Chronic Constipation and Obesity.
Uterus Prolapsed

Patient Testimonials

My name is Sunita, Age 32 years belong to Muzaffarnagar(U.P). I was feeling that something descending down through my Vagina and also feeling of heaviness in the pelvic region from last 3 years .I consulted various doctors and every one suggested me for surgery than I came to know about Kalptaru Ayush Therapy Centre through website than I contacted to the centre and told them about my problem .The Centre suggested me about a herbal medicine to rectify this problem. I took the medicine for 3 months only one dose per day .After 3 months I recovered completely from Prolapsed Uterus and the other symptoms related to this problem automatically subsided. Thanks to Doctor and staff of Kalptaru Ayush Therapy Centre for my complete and permanent recovery from Uterus Prolapsed.


    Age 32

    Hi I am Namita from Haldwani, I was suffering from prolapsed uterus and was very much upset for the same as there was no proper treatment from hospitals which I have consulted, but when I have heard of Kalpatru Ayush Therapy Center from one of our known person then me and my husband called there and took a appointment in the month of January 2015, after being through proper treatment of about 3 months now I fit and fine. Thank You Doctor Sahab.


      Age 38

      My name is Rekha and my age is 34 I am from Lucknow, I would like to thank to Kalpatru Ayush Therapy Center for their best efforts and for the social cause too. They have treated my uterus without fail that is in only 3 months. I was so shy about this problem and was feeling entrancement all this time when it was coming out, but now I am fine and would recommend Kalpatru Ayush Therapy Center to all who are suffering from this problem.


        Age 34

        I am Roshini from Westbengal .My age is 42 years . I was suffering from uterus prolapsed 3 stage along with mild Cystocele from last 6 years. Doctors suggested me for surgery but I was Afraid and don’t want any surgical interventions. While searching on internet i found Kalptaru herbal therapy centre . I took their herbal treatment for 7 months and now I am fully cured, Thanks to doctor and centre for make my life normal as before


          Age 42

          I can’t thank you enough, Kalptaru Herbal Therapy Centre for giving me the relief from such an unpleasant or painful condition. Thank you for treating me and saving me from undergoing the knife.


            Age 32

            I am Vaishali age 48 years from Maharashtra . I was suffering from Problem of Uterus Prolapsed grade 3 and mild Cystocele from last 4 years .My gynic told me that Surgery is the only option to get rid from both these problems but i don’t want to go for surgery . After doing some research i found Kalptaru Herbal Therapy centre .Centre is providing customised herbal Non Surgical Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapsed . I filled their patient information form and start taking treatment .After taking treatment for 6 months i fully recovered from my pelvic organ prolapsed . Best part of treatment is that you can take this treatment while doing your normal day to day activities .Thanks to centre and offcourse google also who helped me to get option for non surgical treatment of Uterus Prolapsed.


              Age 48

              The treatment here is really very effective and work like as miracle in hopeless sitauation. For me result started to come within 15 days. within 5 month my illnesses reversed completely and I am leading a normal life. I am very thankful to Kalptaru Herbal Therapy Centre for their care. guidance and effective treatment. the treatment is also very hassle free and convenient.

                Seema Chahal

                Age 38

                I was suffering from uterine prolapsed grade 3 after my child birth . All doctors advised me for hysterectomy but I was looking for non surgical treatment of uterus prolapsed. I consulted with doctor of kalptaru herbal therapy centre and took their herbal treatment for 7 months now I am fully cured . Thanks to centre for their guidance during treatment


                  Age 38