Your uterus (or womb) is usually gripped in place inside your pelvis with numerous muscles, tissue and ligaments. Owing to pregnancy, childbirth or challenging labor and delivery, in some females these muscles deteriorate. Also, as a lady ages and with a natural loss of the hormone estrogen, her uterus can drib into the vaginal canal, triggering the condition known as a prolapsed uterus.
What are the Stages of Uterine Prolapse?
Muscle weakness or relaxation might let your uterus to droop or come totally out of your body in numerous stages:
- First degree: The cervix falls into the vagina.
- Second degree: The cervix falls to the level just inside the opening of the vagina.
- Third degree: The cervix is outside the vagina.
- Fourth degree: The whole uterus is outside the vagina. This ailment is also called procidentia. This is instigated by weakness in all of the supporting muscles.
Mild uterine prolapse usually doesn’t cause signs or symptoms. Signs and symptoms of temperate to severe uterine prolapse consist of:
- Feeling of weightiness or pulling in your pelvis
- Tissue protuberant from your vagina
- Urinary glitches, such as urine leakage (incontinence) or urine retention
- Woe having a bowel movement
- Feeling as if you are sitting on a small ball or as if something is tumbling out of your vagina
- Sexual concerns, such as a feeling of slackness in the tone of your vaginal tissue
Often, symptoms are less troublesome in the morning and degrade as the day goes on.