A uterus prolapse is when the uterus slants in the direction of vagina. It arises when the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments become meager and aren’t able to support the uterus any longer. In some situations, the uterus can be seen from the vaginal opening. Complications can sometimes lead to ulceration of bare tissue and prolapse of other pelvic organs such as the bladder or the rectum.
How do you know if you have a prolapsed uterus?
If you are speculating how do you know if you have a prolapsed uterus, you have to know about the following symptoms:
- pelvic weightiness or pulling
- vaginal bleeding or an upsurge in vaginal discharge
- problems with sexual intercourse
- urinary leak, retention or bladder infections
- bowel movement problems such as constipation
- lower back pain
- uterine protuberance from the vaginal opening
- feelings of sitting on a ball or that something is dropping out of the vagina
- fragile vaginal tissue
Prevention techniques
Some females are at augmented jeopardy of uterine prolapse. Simple preventive measures consist of:
- pregnancy – pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy
- vaginal childbirth – post-partum pelvic floor workouts
- post-menopause – oestrogen cream to boost weakening hormone levels and pelvic floor exercises
- obesity – loss of surplus abdominal fat with dietary alterations and regular workout
- Chronic constipation – it is idyllic if you have big, lax, molded stools. Typically, eating heaps of fruits, vegetables and fiber and drinking lots of water will help. Sidestep straining when using your bowels.
Other conditions – treat underlying ailments (such as asthma and chronic bronchitis) in discussion with your doctor.