A uterus is a part of a women’s body that is usually, supported by the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor. Uterus prolapsed is a condition where the uterus slips from its original place and sometimes fall in the vagina. There are many reasons that can invite uterus prolapsed and the main and a common reason is vaginal delivery. At the time of delivery, women put a high pressure on their pelvic floor that can loosen its muscles. There are a number of treatments available in the market but the most effective treatment is Ayurvedic treatment. It is a painless treatment contains herbal medication and Kegel exercise. Kalptaru Herbal Therapy Centre is a place where you can get rid of this condition. We are well known for serving effective Uterus Prolapsed Treatment. Here are some symptoms of Uterus prolapsed.
Heavy Pulling Sensations – Uterus prolapsed is a painful condition and can affect your normal life. It can create a heaviness inside the abdominal that is sometimes noticeable.
Difficulty In Urination – Uterus prolapsed can creates urinating difficulties. It can also affect your bladder in a painful manner, which leads to rectal urgency.
Bladder Infection – Uterus prolapsed can worsen your condition is the treatment is not taken on time. The women that are suffering from this condition are more prone to have a bladder infection.
It is recommended to take the treatment on time, as a delay in treatment can worsen your health and can badly affect your daily life. Kalptaru Herbal Therapy Centre is known for its best treatment of Uterus Prolapsed By Non Surgical method. We only use herbal techniques and pure Ayurvedic methods to provide you a permanent solution. You can email or call us to know more.